Originally Posted by "Short Hand":8e1d9
Originally Posted by c312
war can have a greater possibility for loss of life, but remember, I said that I support the war because it would have saved more lives than it lost in the long run. I don't see how that is contradictory, it places value on preserving life as best as possible.
You killed 100 000 Civy's alone in the war. AND now a possible civil war that will ingulf millions. You have done nothing. Get over it. Admit the war was wrong.
People are not statistics you can stack up. rolleyes:
wow, I had no idea that you liked murderous dictators so much. I will not admit the war was wrong because I don't think it was. I beleive we will have saved more people from being killed deliberately by Hussein than we have killed accidentally while taking him out of power and ending his ability to kill his own people. I can't beleive that someone would say we should have left them alone and let Saddam still kill people. I thought we were against dictators these days?[/quote:8e1d9]
The country is more fucked probably than it has ever been, despite attempts reconstruction seems to be failing miserably. More people are going to die now, than under Sadaam...What about all the other dictators of the world? If removing Sadaam was the soul intention of the invasion, is the U.S now gonna systematically remove every other dictator in the world from power?
Why go to the middle east, destroy any chance of redeeming western-middle eastern relations by dragging in all the other western nations of the world and make the area a total hotbed of anti-western activity? Remove terrorists? This "police action" just provoked thousands more.
Originally Posted by c312
wow, I had no idea that you liked murderous dictators so much.
Nice mentality. If they're not supporting the U.S's somewhat radical decisions, then they're supporting murderous dictators - Sure.
Everything is absolutely that black and white, isn't it? Is it not realistic that maybe people think the outcome isn't worth the WAR? War isn't such a great tool for solving problems in the world....It's such a messy business, that it tends to just make alot more problems. Especially when everyone is watching your every move through the huge global media machine.
I realise we're offtopic, but I just don't get it....