it was probably the thing sealed behind all the concrete, all we know about it is that it's sealed behind concrete, inaccessible, and magnetic. It's probably a magnetic generator or something like that, and it could be the thing that was making the sound. So the people enclosed it in concrete in an attempt to protect themselves from it.
if you guys really want to see some crazy Lost discussion, go to and look at the Lost boards. those heiroglyphs were deciphered within half an hour of the episode airing.
if you guys really want to see some crazy Lost discussion, go to and look at the Lost boards. those heiroglyphs were deciphered within half an hour of the episode airing.
This weeks episode has been much better than the past 3 so far..
Ok, so the others aren't raggedy, they just pretend to be. And that girl who helped save Claire from the others is definately Alex, Rousseau's daughter.