Yeah thats it, cause the website is ours but we agree to put it in their server while they worked on it ... and its been 6 months and their pace is riddiculously slow. Is so fricking slow that it makes me wanna pull out my hair, cause I got weekly deadlines as chief designer of the newspaper and what I need done for the online edition gets done 3 months later.
I'll admit I'm no webmaster, but I know enough to complete the website ... the thing is, the administrative panel, how can I get that, and yes how can I extract a copy of the website from the server
Yes is custom made, so the problem is trusting someone to see how it looks by giving them the password, and than not worring about placing gay images all over the newspages ... lol
No I don't have FTP access ... that was one of the points I talked to with the webmaster, that I need an FTP site cause I need to upload the print edition to the print shop. And clients want it like this, blah blah blah ... the point is, this has been by far the worst business I done so far, and now I don't want to fuck it up and loose a perefectly good website. If I must take them to court for them to finish than I must.