Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by Stammer
Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by Machette
Why don't you ask him how much electricity the Iraqis are getting? ed:
or how many dictators are not killing them anymore.
back at ya
Yup, because your excuse for poor planning, management, and "undiminished violence in Iraq" is that we got Saddam, a weak leader with no support from his people with an Army that fell faster then an anvil in both Gulf Wars. To bad, now, because of this little "Persian Excursion" we've lost 2K+ troops, were spending billions and nearing our debt ceiling, thousands of Iraqis are dead, civil war on the horizon, a fueled insurgency, and swelling of radical Islamic groups.
But we got Saddam...who probably wont ever be convicted or just end up like Milosevic and die in some jail cell years after his crimes have been committed.