I thought brothers in arms was good for a console game... It was obviously a made-for-xbox game, so it can't really stand up to any other good PC game out there (as it got dumbed down when they brought it to PC). It was pretty fun though, and original/different as far as WWII shooters go (the first semi-realistic one compared to COD/MOH), though people seem to be divided 50/50 as those who like it, and those who don't.
It was worth a rent, IMO. I suggest dl'ing it first to try.
Dont fear what these homo say. You can enjoy and play a game without super fucking max settings. I played it on 1024x768 with med-high details with no slow down or chugging at all.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
Well, my Radeon 9000 64Mb wouldnt play unless EVERYTHING was on low, so that meant there we no shadows, so every room looked like it had 100 lights on. Really ruined the game. cuss:
What kinda FPS do/did you get in CoD2 (Particularly a map like Brecourt)?[/quote:9cace]
I switched from dx9 to dx7 i think in the settings and you get a ton more fps without much loss in quality because you can pump your details up to max
I get between 80-100ish
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/