Also the new VW Mark V GTi's are growing on me a lot. They are very sharp looking. But its a Volkswagen, so im extremly wary to even look into them. Although the Golfs have the least amount of lemons than other VW's
Ugly as sin but I can throw my tools in the back, and take it anywhere, 7 INS of ground clearance and with 4WD it sticks to the road like glue. Awsome in the winter.
Installed my new grille today that I got a couple months ago. Didn't install it until now because I wanted to wait until it was nice out and stopped snowing.
Here's the grille:
I find that just overspraying the "tire shine" onto my rims gets alot of the brakedust off. Though i like to use that with some elbow grease... and the occasional q-tip.
Just a warning, using tire shine then using a rag or sponge to wipe down the wheel RUINS the rag or sponge. NEVER use that rag for any other part of the car ever again.
I'll get some actual pics of my car once i get the windows tinted and my actual license plates w/covers on it.
These guys make replicas. Thats where I got mine. I think you can also just call your gm dealer and ask for a impala SS indy grille from 04 or 05. Thats what my grill is based off.