Awesome! They had a phone number on the ad and if you call it you get this (pinched it from another site):
You have to go through the different extensions to get into other areas of the .org website.
From another site
the other options direct you to people's voicemail boxes.
2- Alvar Hanso - cuts out to a girl saying 'Who is Alvar Hanso?' then cuts off
3- Thomas
4- Hugh MacIntyre, has two messages:
1 from Thomas :- "hugh, thomas, just got the changes, we should go ahead and rename the accelerated remote viewing programme as well.. got to try and put a public face on all this. Call me."
1 from Darla :- "I've got to talk to you about this Sri Lanka thing. It's just not right"
NB - may be paraphrased as my typing is too slow
5- Peter Thompson - his voicemail message cuts out rather amusingly "gimme the phone irene, gimme it" and he is a bit abusive, but doesn't sound like a clue[/quote:d21f8]