"Have you seen the national TV ratings for the NHL this season? If not, here are just a few shows getting more viewership than hockey: 1. XFL reruns; 2. PBS special on the mating habits of the Madagascan burrowing frog; 3. Gary Shandling Uncensored." annoy: eek:
It boggles my mind why the vast majority of americans just don't care about hockey. It's not like hockey is some new thing down there. Four of the original six teams are from the US. It's got just about everything that you would think would appeal to your stereotypical American; it's exciting, fast and violent. What else do you want?
I'm not saying that if you don't watch hockey there's something wrong with you. I can understand why people don't like something I'm passionate about. I just don't know why the ratings are so piss poor in the US.
I honestly stopped watching after the wings bowed out so basically a week into the playoffs..lol
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
it's exciting, fast and violent. What else do you want?
Uuum, excuse me? This year fucking blew as far as hitting goes due to the "New Look" NHL. It takes goons and fighting right out of the league and eventually it will be soccer on ice. That's part of the reason. Also Canadian teams seem to be doing better this year and we all know how American's hate Canada.