Oh and the Eucarist, or however you spell it, in 3rd grade for Confirmation for religious school. It's un-yeasted bread that's supposed to represent the body of Christ. Keeping all religious convos to a minimum, for some reason I puked on it.
Oh and the Eucarist, or however you spell it, in 3rd grade for Confirmation for religious school. It's un-yeasted bread that's supposed to represent the body of Christ. Keeping all religious convos to a minimum, for some reason I puked on it.[/quote:66783]
i eat that every sunday, tastes awesome with wine rock:
i usually stick with what i like. i hate eggs and the only seafood i like is tuna and salmon. i would say the weirdest thing ive eaten was some type of omelette...fuckin disgusting.
honestly..i think mashed potatoes + gravy is the msot disgusting food on the planet. Ive even puked off it before.
lol pyro...if it was the kind of mash + gravy you get at KFC, yes anyone would puke...but such a
reaction to lovely mashed potato!? try some with Australian lamb chops and fresh peas..mmmm freak: