ok. i think rain would be VERY good for a new feture. some kind of weather effect to go along with the fog so that people can sneak around and not be seen so easyly. if this was a winter map, i would say make it snow so heavy that its hard to see. to add the REAL weather effect
and maybe puddles would b a cool plan. along with puddle walk-through sounds. umm....
some kind of underground stuff? maybe basements for the mantions, with secret tunles ataching to each of the mantions, but make them really hard to find...
a little more vegitation possibly? like alot of bushes. maybe sumhow make a grass texture/and mesh or w/e. so that its like in ghost recon and soldier of fortune2.. in fact sof2 uses the same 3d engine. if you could figure out how they got the grass in sof2 then you should do it, and put it in mohaa. in the hunder map. so people with camo can sneak around in the bush
umm, i really have alot of idea's. but they r all off topic with the thuinder map

i want to see real time lighting (day/night cycle)
and a weather system, so maybe after a while it would be sunny. but then sum clouds roll in and it starts getting a little gloomy, and then lightning starts and sheeting of rain jus start pooring down. then get lighter after a while or sumthing.... then u could also put area's on the map to be animated so u could put in a snow weather effect. and make it so snow comes as well, and those area's on the maps would animat wen the snow starts and it would show areas of snow build up on the ground...
i dunno, these r just SUM ideas

i dont think u have the will to do ALL that thow, lol

*cries* lol
well, gimme your thoughts of what i have said guys
Regards: Lt.Col.Racer 7th Ranger Battalion