09-07-2002, 12:20 AM
tell me, can you swear to yourself when you get shot? most likely yes. Should there really be swearing on servers? I dont care, but I do abide by server rules, if you can swear to yourself without taking the 3 seconds required to pull up the speak to all prompt and type in your filth, bravo, perhaps the KIDS that shouldn't being seeing language like that wont have to. I know the response to that, "Well, they shouldn't be playing the game...", well, if this game was strictily marketed to adults, wheres the gimp legs, the allies saying "OH MY FKN GOD, MY ARM, WHERE IS MY ARM" (someone add that as a mod please freak: ). just remember, ppl of all ages/races/sex's play this game, what you say may be disrespectful to others
now with that said, forget everything you just read and EAT SHRAPNEL!!!!!!