Taz: There are a few things I need to work on for the next beta, things are going well but the mod is not really in a releasable state yet. Right now I've got enough beta testers, however I will most likely open it up for public beta in the near future, so stay tuned to this forum.
kdja: Here's a copy of the default one, edit it as needed for force models. I've left scrolling on since I'm getting reports that it's not causing lag, see the msg above on how to disable it if needed. The filename is dmzdogtag_config.scr, place this is your server's MOHAA\main\global directory.
[code:453fa]// DMz Dogtag by DogMeat
// Version 1.6b Private Beta
// Main Configuration File
// Do NOT modify or erase the next line, it MUST be "main:"
// Begin Security Settings Section
// Seconds between Security Checks (default 30.0 seconds)
level.dmzdt_pausesecurity = 30.0
// General Force Model Config
// sec_forcemodel
// 0 = Use Client Setting (default)
// 1 = Use Server Setting (see securityforcemodel below)
level.dmzdt_sec_forcemodel = 0
// securityforcemodel (used only if sec_forcemodel = 1)
// 0 = Turns Force Models Off
// 1 = Turns Force Models On
level.dmzdt_securityforcemodel = 0
// Allies Model/Skin Config
// 0 = Use Client Setting (default)
// 1 = Use Server Setting (see securityplayermodel below)
level.dmzdt_sec_playermodel = 0
// securityplayermodel (used only if sec_playermodel = 1)
// "modelname" = skin to use for Allies
level.dmzdt_securityplayermodel = "allied_airborne"
// Axis Model/Skin Config
// sec_playergermanmodel
// 0 = Use Client Setting (default)
// 1 = Use Server Setting (see securityplayergermanmodel below)
level.dmzdt_sec_playergermanmodel = 0
// securityplayermodel (used only if sec_playergermanmodel = 1)
// "modelname" = skin to use for Axis
level.dmzdt_securityplayergermanmodel = "german_waffenss_shutze"
// End Security Settings Section
// Begin Scroller Settings Section
// Pause between Scroller Updates (default 15.0 seconds)
level.dmzdt_pauselong = 15.0
// Short pause, normally does not need to be changed (default 0.1 seconds)
level.dmzdt_pauseshort = 0.1
// Scroller Type Setting
// scroll
// 0 = Default Score Text
// 1 = Normal Scroller : via dmzdogtag_order.scr (default)
// 2 = Pre-Config Scroller 2 Pages
// 3 = Pre-Config Scroller 3 Pages
level.dmzdt_scroll = 1
// step
// How many slots to scroll text at once (default 6)
level.dmzdt_step = 6
// Maximum slots in "dmzdogtag_order.scr" (default = 18)
level.dmzdt_maxslots = 18
// Do NOT modify or erase the next line, it MUST be "end"