I say no, but it depends on the circumstances and how much the relationship meant to me. If its a girl im dating then no, but if its my gf for 7 years and we're living together and making plans to have a life then i might reconsider. Guys cheat because they are guys and they want to fuck. This is probably the main reason why they cheat. Women usually cheat because it was something you did or you werent doing - not necessarily because she met some hot guy and hopped on his dick. Women are very emotional and go to extreme things to get your attention or make mistakes.
I dont know anything about women, though, i just heard from some old guy with crabs.
Dump the fucking whore and get someone who'll actually respect you. See, that's the problem with monogamy: it creates this problem we were never supposed to have... but if we're going to acknowledge it, people need to play by the rules.
Yeah why set yourself up to be fucked over again? If it ever happened to me I'd never be able to trust that person again. I'd have to tell them to fuck off whether I was in love or not.