odd thread top put in offtopic but whatever.
far cry instincts
jet set radio
shenmue 2
pro evo soccer 5
halo 2
burnout revenge
rainbow six 3
amped 2
doom 3
i really recommend far cry instincts, its a totally reworked game for the xbox, looks great and plays great, and the multiplayer (xboxlive) modes kick ass, predator mode along with being able to create huge ass maps are well worth it
Originally Posted by Pyro
Halo - 6/10
Amped - 6/10
Tony Hawk's Underground - 6/10
star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy - 8/10
ESPN NHL Hockey - 9.5/10
Halo 2 - 7/10
Knights of the Old Republic - 10/10
Knights of the Old Repunlic 2 - 9/10
PS2 > Xbox
go back to playing tribes, it took more of your time up so you didnt post here as much.