I made my own custom cfg file and placed it in the main folder. Then I actuate this file by adding it to the programs properties, by right clicking on the game's icon. I added this next little ditty to the end of the target line, leaving a space before the ditty:
+exec mp.cfg
I guess you could go into the unnamedsoldier.cfg file and add the previously mentioned lines. (previous post). You'll find this in a directory off of the main directory, called configs, I think.
As he said, MOH supports joysticks/gamepads, there's just no features in the options for it. (I swear, EA is so lame). Anyways, just add the commands in the console, or your config file. I'm pretty sure once you type it in the console, it will add it to your .cfg file, not positive though.
i didnt need to configure mohaa to use the speedpad .... it comes with its own config util .... i used to map my mohaa keys to the speedpad rather than vice-versa
I used hoonose's suggestion in console, and it worked perfectly. It also retained it the next time I started the game, so I think it is safe to assume
that it does, indeed, put it in your cfg file for you. Thanks Hoonose, for the easiest fix I have seen posted for joystick enabling in MOH.
(You wouldn't BELIEVE some the the fixes I have seen in other forums, including writing whole sub-routines )