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Sept 11th! My thoughts are with you.
ianrfaulkner is Offline
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Default Sept 11th! My thoughts are with you. - 09-11-2002, 03:42 AM

The title says it all.

Together we stand!
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Taz the Maniac is Offline
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Default 09-11-2002, 05:58 AM

*ehm* It's also in Offtopic ... biggrin:
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Logan5 is Offline
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Default 09-11-2002, 09:19 AM

I remember exactly what I was doing.

I was just getting out of the shower when my girl friend told me a plane hit the world trade center. I was shocked. I remembered back in the 30's and 40's a US army bomber had crashed into the empire state building in fog but I was flabbergasted on how it could happen in this day and age with all the safety devices and radar we had in place.

Then, while looking at live footage on T.V., I saw the second plane hit, I got a sinking feeling in my gut. I instantly thought of all those lives in the plane and in the trade center tower that were extinguished in a second.
It was at that moment I knew we were under attack.
In a semi daze, I decided to go to work. On the way there I heard about the Pentagon. Then about flight 93.
That day change my view on many things, it changed the world in which we now live in.

God bless all who died in this tragedy and all those who will die fighting the terrorist who caused it.
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Pfc.Green is Offline
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Default 09-11-2002, 09:42 AM

May the Terrorists who did this and future Terrorists...burn in hell. mad:
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=FM=1st Lt prey is Offline
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Default 09-11-2002, 09:59 AM


Yep I was outside on front lawn when first heard about it, horrible day.

I still dont understand how these people confuss `martyrdom` with `murder` they must be very simple minded. Martyrdom is being killed for your beliefs by an opposing force, being killed without any willingness to fight back, this is true martyrdom and the route to heaven if thats what you believe.

The evil twisted minds of the participants on sept 11th just underline how far this world still has to go to educate these brainwashed sects.

I dont feel sorry for the people who died on that day any longer, because my own belief shows that they are the true martyrs and surely went straight to heaven that day, but I feel sorry for the families left behind who have to constantly be reminded off the horrific events that day.

For the terrorists and supporters I feel nothing, I hope there is a justice in whatever form after death, and maybe that instant of torturous burning they felt during impact may last an eternity for them, who knows. Gladly I dont have to have anything to do with the price they pay.

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Fingers is Offline
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Default 09-11-2002, 01:43 PM

Hi, I am a Canadian here guys, but I truely was affected by the fallout of this incident. Being a member of the Canadian Forces at the time, I ask that you guys also not forget the soldiers who paid with their lives, defending the worlds freedom. The men and woman who are right now defending our freedom, and bringing to justice the coward who caused this. He will be saught, and brought to justice.
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Default 09-11-2002, 02:39 PM

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Default 09-11-2002, 06:47 PM

I'd fuck that little Asuka hoar if she didn't bore me to sleep every time we
made small talk before foreplay...

My dear, dear american friends: my heart is with the poor, shelterless and
sickly around the world that could benefit from the billions you keep putting
in national defense (that, as you can see, doesn't seem to make much
difference anyway).

Face it, you're hypocrits. I DO feel bad for the 3000 men and women
that died on that day, but this charade has to end NOW.

Readies for Green's retort
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{555}Melee is Offline
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Default 09-12-2002, 05:00 PM


I'd fuck that little Asuka hoar if she didn't bore me to sleep every time we
made small talk before foreplay...

My dear, dear american friends: my heart is with the poor, shelterless and
sickly around the world that could benefit from the billions you keep putting
in national defense (that, as you can see, doesn't seem to make much
difference anyway).

Face it, you're hypocrits. I DO feel bad for the 3000 men and women
that died on that day, but this charade has to end NOW.

Readies for Green's retort [/quote:ea5c9]

LOL, you are a total fool.

Sure, eveyone pisses and moans about how much money we spend on national deffense. But who is the first country the world turns too when they are in trouble? Face it, America is the most powerful country in the world. therefor we are the most hated.

If those "poor" countries could actually manage an economy, they wouldn't have so many homeless and starving people. But it's more importand for countries like India to test nuclear weapons, then to feed their own people. And we are supposed to do it for them? Please.

I'm sick of you wet blanket types that scoff at our country for not feeding the entire world. Especialy when YOU are enjoying the freedom that our national security provides you. You sir, are the hypocrit. hake:
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Pfc.Green is Offline
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Default 09-12-2002, 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I'd fuck that little Asuka hoar if she didn't bore me to sleep every time we
made small talk before foreplay...

My dear, dear american friends: my heart is with the poor, shelterless and
sickly around the world that could benefit from the billions you keep putting
in national defense (that, as you can see, doesn't seem to make much
difference anyway).

Face it, you're hypocrits. I DO feel bad for the 3000 men and women
that died on that day, but this charade has to end NOW.

Readies for Green's retort
Heres my retort, we may play the role of world cop on occasion but we are'nt the worlds fuckin mother.
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Default 09-12-2002, 05:09 PM

Entertaining retort, but it doesn't contain anything of real value.

You talk of managing economies ? I ask you: why is YOUR country doing
the same as India ? Talk about bullshit. You are in a more or less similar
situation so I wouldn't venture far saying that you're so special. Look inside,
the answer will smack you in the face.

I still contend that your national defense budget could be cut and
used in more worthwhile areas: only a fool would argue it.
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Drunken Mime is Offline
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Default 09-12-2002, 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Entertaining retort, but it doesn't contain anything of real value.

You talk of managing economies ? I ask you: why is YOUR country doing
the same as India ? Talk about bullshit. You are in a more or less similar
situation so I wouldn't venture far saying that you're so special. Look inside,
the answer will smack you in the face.

I still contend that your national defense budget could be cut and
used in more worthwhile areas: only a fool would argue it.
what a dumbass you are. I hope the rest of Canada is smarter than you.

If we cut our defense budget, wingnut, Sept. 11th would have been repeated four or five times over by now. Then your country would be next. They hate all western cultures and governments, shithead. Put down the glue and get a clue...

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Default 09-12-2002, 06:16 PM

[quote="Drunken Mime":2572d]
Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Entertaining retort, but it doesn't contain anything of real value.

You talk of managing economies ? I ask you: why is YOUR country doing
the same as India ? Talk about bullshit. You are in a more or less similar
situation so I wouldn't venture far saying that you're so special. Look inside,
the answer will smack you in the face.

I still contend that your national defense budget could be cut and
used in more worthwhile areas: only a fool would argue it.
what a dumbass you are. I hope the rest of Canada is smarter than you.

If we cut our defense budget, wingnut, Sept. 11th would have been repeated four or five times over by now. Then your country would be next. They hate all western cultures and governments, shithead. Put down the glue and get a clue...


You moron. I need to educate you...

The US airforce has a well-established set of regulations for dealing with unscheduled aviation activity. Activation of this code does not require executive orders. It is a routine practice to respond to unscheduled aviation activity, by intercepting the problem craft with jet fighters. It is important to realize that interception does not necessarily imply any intention to shoot the plane down, although it does create the opportunity for such action if it is deemed necessary, yet dickandbush did NOTHING.

The US has a network of airforce bases across the country which are designed to give a reasonable chance of being able to intercept, within a short time, any plane which might require such action, still dickandbush did NOTHING.

There is incontrovertible evidence that on the morning of September 11, this system had been stood down from operation, all across the country, and only resumed after the attacks had finished. Every one of the hijacked planes should have, and would normally have triggered interception procedures before it was even apparent that there were hostile intentions. In the cases of the first two planes, it may be possible to argue that the fighters might not have arrived in time to complete interception before the collisions with the WTC, but there is no doubt that in both cases, attempts at interception should have been well under way by the time the collisions took place. There is no excuse for the fact that interceptions were not even attempted. In the case of the next two planes, there is absolutely no excuse for interception not having well and truly taken place before the final results, yet dickandbush did NOTHING.

The example of the plane which struck the pentagon is particularly spectacular. After it was known that the plane had a problem, it was nevertheless able to change course and fly towards Washington, for about 45 minutes, fly past the white house, and crash into the pentagon, with not even any attempt made at interception, when two squadrons of fighter aircraft were stationed just 10 miles from it's eventual target. Unless one is prepared to allege collusion, such a scenario is not possible by any stretch of the imagination, even in a situation where nothing else was happening that day, dickandbush did NOTHING.

The sensational addition to the scenario is that this plane took actions which would normally have triggered routine interceptions, after one plane had already crashed into the WTC. Furthermore, it continued to fly, without even any attempt at interception for about another 40 minutes after the second WTC crash had occurred. dickandbush did NOTHING.

Fact: In the only attack on the US mainland, with Air Force defense fighters on permanent ready ten minutes away, with at least 40 minutes’ advance notice, the US military allowed its "nerve center" to be attacked, without even any attempt at response. dickandbush did NOTHING.

The question is WHY ?[/quote:2572d]

NORAD, for example, didn't see this ? Well then FUCK your immense
military budget. If you couldn't even stop something like this from
happening, you might as well just put the money elsewhere and HOPE to
YOUR GOD that something like this doesn't happen again.

Call me a dumbass all you want, my IQ is still significantly higher than
yours (statistically, by a lot) and I belong to two high IQ societies. Just
TRY getting into Mensa you wanna-be.

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geRV is Offline
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Default 09-12-2002, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I'd fuck that little Asuka hoar if she didn't bore me to sleep every time we
made small talk before foreplay...

My dear, dear american friends: my heart is with the poor, shelterless and
sickly around the world that could benefit from the billions you keep putting
in national defense (that, as you can see, doesn't seem to make much
difference anyway).

Face it, you're hypocrits. I DO feel bad for the 3000 men and women
that died on that day, but this charade has to end NOW.

Readies for Green's retort
Heres my retort, we may play the role of world cop on occasion but we are'nt the worlds fuckin mother.[/quote:e4d79]

Green no offence but do you constantly lurk on the forums looking for posts that are even in the slightest bit demeaning to america just to pounce in all the time? eek:

These threads get too predictable. M16:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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intrestedviewer is Offline
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Default 09-12-2002, 06:38 PM

Let other countries take care of themselves, why should we have to pump em full of money? We have the 5th largest economy in the world, Why dont the other top 4 do something hu?
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