I'm looking for an alternative to WMP and Winamp. Basically I use winamp for music and wmp for videos. However My WMP has now fucked. My PC decided to install wmp11 that needs windows validation - so it wont play until windows validates. What makes it worse it wont fucking roll back either. Says you cant install wmp 10 on this version of windows cry:
Winamp is pretty shite for video imo. But I've been playing around with play lists and would prefer a categorised playlist if at all possible. So having categories such as artists, genres etc and have sub categories such as trance, chillout, rock etc. etc (I currently have 30gb+ music to sort through in the near future into playlists and dont want 50 to have to scroll down. Any other good video and audio players (can be seperate applications if neccessary).
have you tried a system restore to bring back WMP 10? Another player I know of is RealPlayer, the newest version isnt too bad imo. though i still prefre winamp
For music: [url=http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/:7735b]iTunes,[/url:7735b] [url=http://www.musikcube.com/:7735b]musikCube,[/url:7735b] or [url=http://www.foobar2000.org/:7735b]foobar.[/url:7735b]
For videos: [url=http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=82303:7735b]Media Player Classic,[/url:7735b] [url=http://www.gomplayer.com/main.html:7735b]GOM Player,[/url:7735b] or [url=http://www.videolan.org/:7735b]VLC.[/url:7735b]
do you have the i386 folder on your harddrive? if you do try installing WMP 10 that way. uninstall WMP 11, restart, and then try and install WMP 10 from the add/remove programs > add windows components