in regards to the EB-3 model bass, which is better? i know that gibson is great, but is epiphone as good as or not? and is the EB-3 a good bass? i've been playing a little over a year on a little Austin bass, which is pretty much a little step above first-act Walmart brand. some of yall are musicians (namely zoner,) so what do you think? should I fork over the cash for the gibson, or settle for epiphone, and if the EB-3 itself isn't good, then what would you suggest? i'm really into the SG body style
Epiphone is a subdivision of Gibson. Guitar companies do the same thing car companies do. Gibson has Epiphone, Fender has Squier, MusicMan has some OLP models...ESP has LTD....
usually there is no physical difference to the models in regards to shape or size, but what IS different is the wood used to make the body and neck, and maybe some significant hardware changes. Epiphone actually makes some quality guitars, and are worth the money you pay for. Gibsons are nice too, although more expensive. Gibson would be better for a long term guitar, since the wood wouldnt warp as easily and the hardware wouldnt shit out.
The difference is the quality of materials used. Gibson also used hotter (thicker diameter wire wound with more turns) pickups on their models. Japanese Epis are better quality that the Korean units, which in turn are nicer that the Indonesian. I haven't owned any of the Chinese guitars so I can't say.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
nice man! my friend's uncle was rich and a guitar/bass player and had loads upon loads of guitars, he died several years ago and gave them all to my friend. i've been using a gibson les paul bass and a Hamer explorer, both great basses