Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
Hot chicks with douchebags.. -
02-21-2007, 06:57 AM
Happens all the time at work for me, I'll be helping a nice girl out or serving someone and I'd look over and think 'Jesus christ why the fuck are you with that total prick?!'
Its like hot girls are drawn to egotistical dickheads like a magnet....anyway, heres some examples:
Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
02-21-2007, 09:22 AM
Haha! Ya my mates & I were also wondering about this blonde girl we knew who was dating this guy. He was about 40kg & had bad skin & we just couldn't figure out what she saw in him. He's a drummer in a local band though, that's his career! I spose that may count for some cool factor or something rolleyes: annoy: