Finding a Visual Language - For Medal of Honor Airborne, developers are not only trying to bring new gameplay to the genre, but also to bring a new look to WWII and the Medal of Honor franchise. Artists on Airborne are once again establishing a strong visual identity within the WWII genre by reminding people of their favorite cinematic experiences, but also striving to keep players as visually excited by Airborne as the developers get by some of their favorite games in various genres.
One of the most important aspects of WWII is that it was a legendary time, and there was something very reverential about the 1940’s. It takes us back to a time when the world really was about "Heroes versus Villains." Designers on Airborne explored the actual visual icons of the era through several mediums. What they’re crafting is a stylized realism. It’s not about achieving an absolute, 100% photorealism, but instead it’s about trying to create an iconic look out of what “photoreal” is. Artists are fashioning a legendary, epic feel out of the very natural environments. In Part 2 of our exploration of the cinematic look of Medal of Honor Airborne, Art Director Justin Thomas elaborates on how the Airborne art team is telling a story through the look of the game.
Visuals That Tell a Story
Featuring Art Director Justin Thomas
- Shape Language
- Visual Rhythm Through Localized Detail
- Contextual History
- Believable Characters