HELP,how to prevent bullets from going thru the vehicles -
09-13-2002, 06:57 AM
I cant seem to prevent bullets from going thru a truck that i have, if you stand on the other side you can shoot thru it and kill the person on the opposite end,, what line do i need to add to the script or what do I need to do to make it solid
hmm im not quit sure what you mean, I have this
local.opeld = spawn script_model
local.opeld model "vehicles/opeltruckgreen_d.tik"
local.opeld.origin = ( 3952 -3982 2)
local.opeld.angles = (0 93 0)
and I can build a bounding wall around it i guess,,what would I add to that script above
well the easy way..I added the solid line into it exactly as you typed it..and it still doesnt work,,you cant walk thru it and you cant jump into the back of the truck which is good altho I could when i didnt add the solid-- but you can still shoot thru it..I must do it the hard way i guess
thanx scorpio I shall do that hey another question here is it possible to make the single player sounds or some of them to be activated in replace of some of the mutiplayer taunt everyone can hear it SERVERSIDE mod?