Most of my systems were watercooled as well, p4 3.2@ 4ghz with a hydrocool 200ex, then my opteron 165 @ 2.8 with a 3d-galaxy cooling setup (swiftech water block).
The above system was really good but the dfi motherboard was a fucker to work with. Worst thing was the jackofs at dfi released a few bios revisions, then realised they couldn't sort out the glitches and just dropped support for it. rolleyes: Almost a $400 motherboard. oOo:
Watercooling is ok if setup properly, some of the more basic systems like the corsair nautilus are really quick and simple to setup. ... ce=froogle
Be nice to watercool this shuttle but impossible because of the dual slot video card, don't want to take lumps out of the case either to fit it.