Did you watch the deleted scenes? There's a blooper reel where a Lee Harvey Oswald look alike in cuffs walks into the pantry right after the gun shots and someone from the film crew yells out "Wrong movie, guy!"
when you let a couple girls choose what you watch...you're kinda stuck with what ya get...i had to talk em out of watching sex in the city though.[/quote:4d128]
Last night I saw 'Wicker Man' staring Nicholas Cage.
Started off good, got great in the middle and built up, totally sucked at the end.
The ending, both alternate and regular, sucked: wasn't what the audience was expecting, was a really quick way to just end the movie, and you wanted to see Nicholas Cage shoot some women aside from him punching out a few.
I don't mean to give anything away since no one here will probably see it, but if you've seen it... Nicholas Cage should have at least shot one of those b!tches early on before the final act in the storyline.