I was coming home 30 minutes ago and on the Northside again I almost saw some chick on a bike get creamed between two cars.
It was a long line of traffic and no bike lane, so she tries to cut in between the two lanes instead of patiently waiting for the light to turn green.
She moves past my car (right side lane), and the car in front of me must have not seen her and made a rapid small turn to change lanes and the bike lady was just inches away from getting in between the car in front of me and the car on the left.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q95QPv_m0E8:54faf]As Dane Cook would say... "I always just miss it, I'm looking, then I go to order my twisty cone, and BAM. What, what just happened? Guy got hit. No? I just went to go order my twisty cone and I missed it."[/url:54faf]
The laws regarding bikes are strictly enforced here, if the pigs saw u not wearing bicycle-clips in conjunction
with long trousers 4 example, they'd automatically take u down with a P.I.T. maneuver, or u'll be riding along
,right, and they'll just pull alongside and tell u at gunpoint 2 to put ur hands in the air and watch until u crash.
Bikers must signal before turns and while stopping. Stop at all signs, obey the posted speed limit, and basically obey all the laws pertaining to driving on a road.
TO answer your question, if he had hit you in the side after failing to stop at the sign, he would have been at fault.