[quote:620c0]The US military investigated building a "gay bomb", which would make enemy soldiers "sexually irresistible" to each other, government papers say.
The 1994 plans were for a six-year project costing $7.5m, but they were never pursued.
The plan for a so-called "love bomb" envisaged an aphrodisiac chemical that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among troops, causing what the military called a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale.
In a variation on that idea, researchers pondered a "Who? Me?" bomb, which would simulate flatulence in enemy ranks.
Indeed, a "Who? Me?" device had been under consideration since 1945, the government papers say.
However, researchers concluded that the premise for such a device was fatally flawed because "people in many areas of the world do not find faecal odour offensive, since they smell it on a regular basis".
Let the flagrent faggotry commence!