if world war 2 never happened then i would not exist as my german grand mother had it off with an american trooper post ww2. so thank you for starting the war hitler.
i actually "almost" got arrested for trespassing on friday night on the roof of my elementary school. cops showed up and threatened us with a helicopter and k-9 unit if we didn't get the fuck down. asked wtf we were doing and there. our response: "reminiscing".
i also had a run-in with the police, because this douche bag kid that was following us around threw a bike in an inlet. The douchebag who did it and some other kids ran, but me and a friend stayed. We had to walk around like a quarter of a mile, then all the way back to fish the bike out of the water, then all the way back. :l
I chased a guy 200 metres down a street at full speed at 4am in the morning because he stole 6 pornos from the video store I work at. He freaked out at my persistence and dropped them all.
I chased a guy 200 metres down a street at full speed at 4am in the morning because he stole 6 pornos from the video store I work at. He freaked out at my persistence and dropped them all.
I cant remember If I posted about it....
not that I recall, but ROFL at porn thief.
Fact I learned to walk when I was 1 in the desert, and learned to drive when I was 3, in the desert.
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
06-05-2007, 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Tripper
I chased a guy 200 metres down a street at full speed at 4am in the morning because he stole 6 pornos from the video store I work at. He freaked out at my persistence and dropped them all.
ive broken my arm 3 times (all on the same arm) and on the last break is was so bad that it resulted in me having 2 steel plates in my arm and I still have them to this day.
I chased a guy 200 metres down a street at full speed at 4am in the morning because he stole 6 pornos from the video store I work at. He freaked out at my persistence and dropped them all.
I cant remember If I posted about it....
do tell[/quote:46113]
whut else u wanna know?
EDIT: It doesnt look like I posted anything - I wouldve, it was probably when the forums were down I guess.