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butch is Offline
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Default 07-01-2007, 08:00 PM

Im with you ArKin, If you got in trouble at school and they called home you could count on an ass kickin when you got home.

The one kid that just kept runnin his mouth, not long ago he would have gotten a night stick in the mouth and told to shut up and I expect he would have. The officer would have gotten a pat on the back and a well done.

Now the police cant do their job without someone cryin about abuse or wanting to sue because the cuffs were too tight.

I say we go back to the old days,the kid gives the cop shit, the cops kicks the kids ass and tells him to stay off the sidewalk with the skateboard....and he does.

case closed.
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Default 07-01-2007, 10:50 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by Nyck
I like how the skateboarders will tell you that its a whole way of life and that skateboarding is so deep and all this shit.

but when he gets in trouble for it he breaks it down to the most basic level

"You are arresting us for riding pieces of wood?"
Thats really the beauty of it. Taking something so basic and having so much fun with it.
and thinking you're the fucking shit cuz of it

oh all the cocky groups in high school the msot hated was always the skaters cuz they thought they were so cool..but really they were the joke.
you're an idiot. why dont you take a fucking second to get to know them rather than being the pathetic pale "young adult" that you are talking shit about them on the internet?

all my friends skate and they dont make a big deal about it. they just like to skate. we go to the skate park all the time and thrash, maybe you guys should try it sometime. they are all good people too, especially when it comes to people outside our group.

and arkan, my parents are awesome people that never hit me or my brother or sister, and we are fine. theres more to discipline than fear of physical beating.

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Default 07-02-2007, 12:53 AM

jeeeeezuz Jotun, i think you are being narrow minded here. Dont get me wrong Im not trying to be an ass but i think the reason why you are still arguing is because of this "all my friends skate and they dont make a big deal about it." I understand that your friends might be cool but not every skater is.

Arkan isnt saying that a physical beating is needed everytime. sLet me put is this way; some kids get their asses beat by their parents almost every fucking time they get in trouble but they keep getting in trouble...

I think what Arkan is trying to tell you is that sometimes a physical beating might make a kid understand that what he did was wrong - on another cases just a chat might make a kid understand that...Is not about the fear (of getting beat) but rather about consequence...if you do something wrong suspect some sort of punishment afterwards...
geRV is Offline
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Default 07-02-2007, 05:05 AM

Obviously this thread is addressing 2 different generations of people each obviously brought up differently by what society deemed acceptable at the time.

Arkan obviously got the occasional smack growing up, so did i. Its deemed draconian these days..coincidently kids today are cheeky arrogant little fucks that are in dire need of a good beating. Sorry but "grounding" kids these days does fuck all, you may as well sentence them to go constantly play their playstation all weekend as thats obviously what theyre gonna end up doing. if you take the console away they'll find something else to amuse them. Whereas a good foot in the ass would more than likely make them think twice.

People these days wanting to be parents should have to undergo some kind of training, mainly because parents these days let their kids run wild and they don't really give a fuck what they do.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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Default 07-02-2007, 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by geRV
a good foot in the ass
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Default 07-02-2007, 01:08 PM

or, you can just be like this parent....

California Mom Charged in Gang Shooting

Jun 30, 4:07 AM (ET)

PALMDALE, Calif. (AP) - A mother faces firearms charges after she allegedly drove her son's friends to a rival gang member's house to take part in a shooting, authorities said.

Michelle Wright, 37, pleaded not guilty Thursday to three counts of assault with a firearm and one count of shooting a firearm at a dwelling, said Los Angeles County sheriff's Detective Robert Gillis on Friday. She was held on $250,000 bail.

Wright drove her son's two friends to a rival gang member's house in Palmdale early Tuesday, authorities said. One of the son's friends got out and fired at a bedroom window before the three drove away.

Two small children and a teen were in the room, but no one was injured.

Detectives acting on a tip arrested the woman's son and the gunman, Gillis said. Authorities recovered a shotgun they suspect was used in the shooting, he said.

Wright told authorities she drove her son's friends to do the shooting because she believed police were not doing enough to stop gang members from harassing her children, Gillis said.

Wright's son and the two other teens, whom authorities have accused of being members of a street gang, were charged and held in juvenile custody.

An attorney representing Wright could not be located, and her phone number was unlisted.

Palmdale is located in northern Los Angeles County.

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Default 07-02-2007, 01:28 PM

My post got deleted?

It was an important post. You should delete everyone elses too if youre gonna puill rank like that.
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Default 07-02-2007, 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by eeves
jeeeeezuz Jotun, i think you are being narrow minded here. Dont get me wrong Im not trying to be an ass but i think the reason why you are still arguing is because of this "all my friends skate and they dont make a big deal about it." I understand that your friends might be cool but not every skater is.

Arkan isnt saying that a physical beating is needed everytime. sLet me put is this way; some kids get their asses beat by their parents almost every fucking time they get in trouble but they keep getting in trouble...

I think what Arkan is trying to tell you is that sometimes a physical beating might make a kid understand that what he did was wrong - on another cases just a chat might make a kid understand that...Is not about the fear (of getting beat) but rather about consequence...if you do something wrong suspect some sort of punishment afterwards...
maybe so, but im trying to make a point. i dont see where people get all of these shitty notions about skaters. of course i've met dick skaters, there ARE plenty, but the majority are pretty relaxed and normal people. this whole stereotype of the skater thinking they are better is formed by the few dick skaters and the fact that people like to judge others without getting to know them.

and the whole beating your kid thing. people can do what they want, but i dont think even putting the slightest idea of violence or fear into your kid is necessary. i cant speak from experience, but i know i will never want to harm my child.

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Default 07-02-2007, 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by Jotun
Originally Posted by Nyck
I like how the skateboarders will tell you that its a whole way of life and that skateboarding is so deep and all this shit.

but when he gets in trouble for it he breaks it down to the most basic level

"You are arresting us for riding pieces of wood?"
Thats really the beauty of it. Taking something so basic and having so much fun with it.
and thinking you're the fucking shit cuz of it

oh all the cocky groups in high school the msot hated was always the skaters cuz they thought they were so cool..but really they were the joke.
you're an idiot. why dont you take a fucking second to get to know them rather than being the pathetic pale "young adult" that you are talking shit about them on the internet?

all my friends skate and they dont make a big deal about it. they just like to skate. we go to the skate park all the time and thrash, maybe you guys should try it sometime. they are all good people too, especially when it comes to people outside our group.

and arkan, my parents are awesome people that never hit me or my brother or sister, and we are fine. theres more to discipline than fear of physical beating.
I knew every single person in my grade...and I frequented every group...all of them racially or socially divided while my group was the only diverse one in existance by the looks of it...and only kids i couldn't stand were the skaters...cuz you HAD to be one of them to be accepted.

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Default 07-02-2007, 02:35 PM

Trip, dunno what happened to your post.

Jotun, a kick in the ass isn't gonna harm your child. I never got hurt by either of my parents growing up even though i caught a kick in the ass a few times. Even got a kick in the ass from my middle school principal for fighting. Sure was better than the 3 day suspension he offered as an alternative to the kick in the ass. Told mom about it 15 years later....the statute of limitations on getting in trouble for fighting ran out, so i was safe letting her know.

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anti is Offline
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Default 07-02-2007, 03:40 PM

when you guys talk about all these kids being cheeky fucks, i really don't see it, at all. even still, if they are in need of parenting, it's parenting they need; not a fucking slap. that should be the very last resort to discipline a child. kids are assholes because their parents didn't raise them right to begin wtih, and now you want them to get hit for it? that's a great way for it to go down, have their daddy that never cared about them start raising his hand in anger.
parenting with physical violence is the worst form of parenting, it's been documented and studied. too many negative consequences come from it, and it leaves alot of negative impacts on the kid. i couldn't imagine being physically scared of my father, it was disappointing him that deterred me from doing anything.

butch is Offline
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Default 07-02-2007, 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by anti
when you guys talk about all these kids being cheeky fucks, i really don't see it, at all. even still, if they are in need of parenting, it's parenting they need; not a fucking slap. that should be the very last resort to discipline a child. kids are assholes because their parents didn't raise them right to begin wtih, and now you want them to get hit for it? that's a great way for it to go down, have their daddy that never cared about them start raising his hand in anger.
parenting with physical violence is the worst form of parenting, it's been documented and studied. too many negative consequences come from it, and it leaves alot of negative impacts on the kid. i couldn't imagine being physically scared of my father, it was disappointing him that deterred me from doing anything.
Its not really being scared of my dad, I loved my dad and he loved me. It wasnt like he batted me around just for the hell of it. When I deserved it...i got it. So when I was out about to do something I know I shouldnt it always occured to me first, is this really worth getting a kick in the ass over and mostly the answer came back no.

As to those kids in the video, its their mouths that got them in trouble. Had they listened and been respectful of the officer none of that would have happened. They pushed and he pushed back harder. I would hate to have had the officer cuff me when I was that age and then he called my dad and explained how I had behaved and talked to him. Id been beggin the officer to leave me in the jail!!! Home is the last place I would have wanted to go.

There's a simple lesson that was taught to every kid a long time ago called respect for your elders. When speaking to a person much older then yourself its suposed to be yes sir or no sir, The way those kids were talking its a wonder they all didnt end up with a fat lip. And I think they should have!!!
butch is Offline
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Default 07-02-2007, 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by anti
when you guys talk about all these kids being cheeky fucks, i really don't see it, at all. even still, if they are in need of parenting, it's parenting they need; not a fucking slap. that should be the very last resort to discipline a child. kids are assholes because their parents didn't raise them right to begin wtih, and now you want them to get hit for it? that's a great way for it to go down, have their daddy that never cared about them start raising his hand in anger.
parenting with physical violence is the worst form of parenting, it's been documented and studied. too many negative consequences come from it, and it leaves alot of negative impacts on the kid. i couldn't imagine being physically scared of my father, it was disappointing him that deterred me from doing anything.
Its not really being scared of my dad, I loved my dad and he loved me. It wasnt like he batted me around just for the hell of it. When I deserved it...i got it. So when I was out about to do something I know I shouldnt it always occured to me first, is this really worth getting a kick in the ass over and mostly the answer came back no.

As to those kids in the video, its their mouths that got them in trouble. Had they listened and been respectful of the officer none of that would have happened. They pushed and he pushed back harder. I would hate to have had the officer cuff me when I was that age and then he called my dad and explained how I had behaved and talked to him. Id been beggin the officer to leave me in the jail!!! Home is the last place I would have wanted to go.

There's a simple lesson that was taught to every kid a long time ago called respect for your elders. When speaking to a person much older then yourself its suposed to be yes sir or no sir, The way those kids were talking its a wonder they all didnt end up with a fat lip. And I think they should have!!!
butch is Offline
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Default 07-02-2007, 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by anti
when you guys talk about all these kids being cheeky fucks, i really don't see it, at all. even still, if they are in need of parenting, it's parenting they need; not a fucking slap. that should be the very last resort to discipline a child. kids are assholes because their parents didn't raise them right to begin wtih, and now you want them to get hit for it? that's a great way for it to go down, have their daddy that never cared about them start raising his hand in anger.
parenting with physical violence is the worst form of parenting, it's been documented and studied. too many negative consequences come from it, and it leaves alot of negative impacts on the kid. i couldn't imagine being physically scared of my father, it was disappointing him that deterred me from doing anything.
Its not really being scared of my dad, I loved my dad and he loved me. It wasnt like he batted me around just for the hell of it. When I deserved it...i got it. So when I was out about to do something I know I shouldnt it always occured to me first, is this really worth getting a kick in the ass over and mostly the answer came back no.

As to those kids in the video, its their mouths that got them in trouble. Had they listened and been respectful of the officer none of that would have happened. They pushed and he pushed back harder. I would hate to have had the officer cuff me when I was that age and then he called my dad and explained how I had behaved and talked to him. Id been beggin the officer to leave me in the jail!!! Home is the last place I would have wanted to go.

There's a simple lesson that was taught to every kid a long time ago called respect for your elders. When speaking to a person much older then yourself its suposed to be yes sir or no sir, The way those kids were talking its a wonder they all didnt end up with a fat lip. And I think they should have!!!
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Default 07-02-2007, 09:33 PM

Sorry about that...I was getting an error message while trying to post.
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