One of my buddies from middle school / early high school went missing and they found he killed himself in the middle of the desert around Fort Bliss (Ironic, eh?). I guess he already toured in Iraq twice. No doubt he was suffering from depression / PTSD.
Just moved this to board announcements, in case anyone was looking for it, also by bumping this to the top it will be displayed in the index of the site.
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
03-30-2008, 10:22 AM
The links at the top of the thread are no longer working (possibly because of the move from different forums). However, the link to the Arlington Cemetary no longer works either.
Fixed the first two links and trying to figure out why the members list is not showing.
If you find the link to the thread (last link in first post that is still broken) please let me know and I will fix that. I'll look after I fix the members list.