Number 23: was okay. seemed to me like if you really wanted to look for something like a number you will find it wherever you look.
Jesus Camp: I seriously hope god gives all of those people a swift kick to the face. gave me some good laughs, "God please bless this powerpoint presentation and help keep the devil out of it." "Jesus please help me get a strike, will you please give me your strength and help me get a strike." (all the pins are still standing when she is done.) Guess jebes has better stuff to do.
i pronounced that "jeebs" in my head, and got a lul out of it. happy:
Originally Posted by Tripper
It gets better on 2nd and 3rd watches
bizarre movie. I loved every second of it.
Ja, the great thing about the bizarreness is that most of it actually makes alot of sense in the plot -
Like the shaking heads parts - If you think about it - That's people's brains boiling (from the BZ) like Jacob lets on in the icey bathtub scene in his apartment. (I think it is actually Jezebel who explains that the doctor said his temperature was so high that he nearly boiled his own brain)....