I would buy the ipod touch if they put a hd in it. 16 gigs to hold music and movies? my music library alone is 20 gigs.
my dad fucking owns.[quote:ff4e1]This iPod is for girls that want a few tunes to listen too. Serious listeners require big GIG's or a butler that can load just what you want to listen to each day on your little touch screen widget. When you get down to it, the touch screen is just an effect. I don't have a problem scrolling if I can get the juice.
Now the Nano Phone makes some sense. I really don't want movies, iTunes, etc on my phone. Unfortunately, I do want web browser and e-mail.
Apple is really getting into the special effects and gimmicks. It will probably serve them well. THey will see millions to the same people that watch Friends reruns and follow Paris Hilton and Britney around. Now if they could add a direct touch screen pipeline to GOD they could get all the people that voted for Bush. That's 51% of the population. Just come up with a Magic 8 Ball kind of deal but with special effects they would believe Apple had a broadband connection to JeeBez himself! They need me on their team.
When they get a phone that lets you make calls on all bands, browse the Internet and get e-mail for a reasonable price I am in. All this other stuff is just a journey to the real product and I don't need to take the trip.[/quote:ff4e1]
The thing with the touch is, that its to satisfy those who DEMAND flash-based "high capacity" device, but also want the snazziness of the iPhone and it's features. Is 8GIG alot. Of course not, but somehow we made do when the limit was 10GIG's on the first gen iPods.
Most peoples complaints is "oh god I have way more music than that" - of course you do. Go buy the cheaper 80 and 160GIG HD based iPod.
Could they have put the functionality of the Touch on the Classic line, sure - but really they are a bidness, there has to be some class distinction between the two models and the touchscreen and wi-fi capability of the Touch is the perfect "break point" for it.
its not like the all had guns to their heads and HAD to buy it the 1st day.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
if it has to be AT & T...i don't know...like...here we got rogers and bell...like....how doe sthis shit work then. is this shit only for the states?
it can be used in canada if it is hacked, as far as I know. Of course that requires the user to have the intelligence to install the hack, pretty much excluding you.