Going to the range tomorrow and taking the SKS and Mosin. Hopefully i fixed the mosin sticky bolt syndrome. cleaned out the chamber real good of cosmo and put some lubrication on the rounds for when they extract. thats why those rounds are grey in the one pic.
Dude how much was that SKS with that furniture? Also did you paint that stock yourself?
anyone know much about the L42A1? all i know is that they use the 7.62 NATO as opposed to the .303
if you've got a hard on for enfields then the Lee-Enfield 2a uses 7.62 and a 12 round magazine. Produced by the ishapore factory in india. good rifle, can pick them up for about 200 at a gunshow.
i was just wondering if they were any different in feel than the enfield. i figured they'd be quite similar since it was designed similar to the enfield. i love the 2a though happy:
Stock comes in a variety of colours. check the site. Only reason I bought from them is they were the only guys who shipped to canada. You may be able to find for cheaper somewhere else. I don't think there is a tapco dealer in canada so i had no choice.