heh so I saw my 1st tazing IRL tonight.
I was outside letting the dog out when I heard a guy screaming across the street.
It was some crazed drunk dude who just got pulled over for drunk driving he was stumbling a bit but getting more and more confrontational. he started yelling for someone to call the cops cause "this guy is fuckin' killin me" then he tried to book away when the cop went to arrest himand was promptly spear tackled he started struggling and screaming at the cop and calling him every name in the book. the cop told him to stop struggling or he would taze him.
a 2nd cop showed up to the scene and they got the guy cuffed and hes still screaming and fighting...they tried putting him in the car and he kicked away from it and started squirming away.
Thats when I heard a slight electric pop, a sizzle in the air and this guy goes
even after that the dude was still super pumped and screaming how they are both gonna lose their jobs etc..
the paramedics showed up checked him out and he was finally thrown into the back of the car.