It's a huge sign of disrespect to fly any flag over another countrys flag. If one flag is on top it means basically that that country is the dominating force over the other country. They have to be on separate flag poles.
There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of illegal immigrants in the US and many of them believe wholeheartedly that the Southern US belongs to mexico. You guys are being invaded and you're not doing anything about it. Good on the guy for doing that. Don't need that crap around. This is America not Mexico.
Same shit happens here...when it comes to the Union Jack and shit just because some faggot government figure is around...
Either way...the countrys flag should always be higher...regardless.
shitting your pants over this flag stuff is like gangs shitting their pants because their hood got tagged up by some other gang. It hardly matters. Once illegal immigrants start murdering American politicians, then I would say it's a significant problem.
If you were educated in the United States you should have learned flag etiquette in the first grade, right along with The Pledge of Allegiance and the alphabet.
shitting your pants over this flag stuff is like gangs shitting their pants because their hood got tagged up by some other gang. It hardly matters. Once illegal immigrants start murdering American politicians, then I would say it's a significant problem.
Wow...that's just retarded. Like Special Olympics retarded.
What do you want me to think? It's a piece of cloth. It doesn't represent this country; this country's actions and the actions of its people represent this country.
To say I have no respect for my country or the people that died for it just because I don't honor a piece of hanging colored fabric is ridiculous. I'm sorry.
What do you want me to think? It's a piece of cloth. It doesn't represent this country; this country's actions and the actions of its people represent this country.
To say I have no respect for my country or the people that died for it just because I don't honor a piece of hanging colored fabric is ridiculous. I'm sorry.
This is a piece of cloth, it holds no intrinsic/emotional/national value: