Bad spelling is one of my biggest pet peeves. I mean, texting is one thing, but when you're writing reports or important correspondence, you can't not know that there's no "a" in "definitely".
One word i can not spell no matter how hard I try is definetley. Definetly. Definetley. I know there's no 'a' in it, but it's just one of those words for me.
I'm pretty good with most other words and grammatical structure of sentences, but I agree, this shit is butchering the English language. I wasn't aware that teachers were allowing students to hand in assignments in text speak etc. I would say right off the bat to my students if you hand something in written in leet speak, text speak or any other form of shorthand, I'm not going to read it and you automatically fail. That's just me though. I also wouldn't be showing an Inconvenient Truth in Science class. Movies are for lazy teachers, and it's even worse when the science is debatable.
Evenings chaps, managed to get in here from work, still waiting for the damn net in my new pad!
Is there a difference between Canadian English & UK English? I think I saw it somewhere on the web... I was under the impression that Commonwealth countries used the UK English tongue & not some bastardised Yankee version.
Exciting. If you're txting or using personal messages, it's ok to not know how to spell. If you get a job that requires you to know how to type and spell, it matters.