I'm seriously considering going as a Catholic Priest, I may even travel en route in costume & intoxicated via London so I can preach religious things about girls butts to the great British public!
I'm hoping to end up in a gutter somewhere completely off my tits, or round some fat slags house. Either way I'm sure it would be fabulous to be in either situation whilst dressed as a member of the holy cloth.
Good thing that Gods my possie, 8+ years of Anglican religion & Cathedral prayer in the mornings means that I can do this & get away with it imho. God owes me some good times. Seeing as I'm Church of England the Queen will also support me in my Crusade for doing obscene things whilst dressed as a Catholic

If I drink enough I'm sure I'll reach religious enlightenment too...
I think I'm definately inspired by the guys who were in the apartment above me in Ibiza, they went around the clubs as priests with beer bongs, & ended up with their photos on the Radio 1 website, classic!
P.S. no offence to all you Christian types out there, I've no prob with people from other faiths I'm just doing this for a laugh.
Go in the name of the Lord & Peace be upon you, now & for always, &tc.
~Father Bunny