Poetry. Yes. I am liking poetry right now. it started with looking up lyrics to random songs and then that just led me to poetry. yeah, it's pretty flaming gay.
What other gay things do you guys do?
Off the top of my head I:
Watch project runway, America's Next Smartest Model
Listen to some musical soundtracks
Enjoy Boys II Men
Starting to wear metro-like clothing and wearing sneakers less
use facial scrub
When I start taking bubble baths with rose pedals and candles, I'll let ya'all know so you can come to PSU and shoot me. kthx.
I talk a shitload of poetry with a ladyfriend of mine.
Ive stopped eating unhealthy stuff; only lo-fat things for me!
I drink massive amounts of flavoured tea. Like camomille, peach/mango, peach/cream, etc.
I bake.
I discuss Top Model on a regular basis.
Appearently Im kind of a fashion advicer at times for a select few of my ladyfriends.
Also, Im going to study to become a nurse withing the next few years.
Most of these things Ive started with since I met one of my friends, shes completely turned my life upside down.
Poetrys not gay at all! Alot of underground hiphop is heavily influenced by spoken word, aka poetry. Sage Francis is one good example. My favorite actual "poet" is Charles Bukowski.
oh, but as far as gay things I do... I shower at my girlfriends daily using her jobo butter silky ribbon body wash, sometimes use her deodorant if mine is low... I enjoy the TV show Friends... the Food Network is a bit of an obsession, but I don't cook... thats all I can think of.