174. Furby ® is not allowed into classified areas. (I swear to the gods, I did not make that up, it’s actually DOD policy).
This was rumored when furbys first came out. The reason being supposedly they can learn words, and phrases. A security risk if a furby overhears national defense plans. No idea if its true though.
I have heard about the Furby thing, it makes sense but I don't know if its true. I also know that a lot of government contractors and defense companies don't allow outsiders to bring camera phones into their offices. My dad works for Lockheed Martin and he had me leave my phone at home when I went to his office one time.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
Alright guys this will be my last post until Christmas. I am going to NC for a few weeks for some pre deployment training. Talk to you all when i get back. Stay safe.
Alright guys this will be my last post until Christmas. I am going to NC for a few weeks for some pre deployment training. Talk to you all when i get back. Stay safe.