An appeal court in Saudi Arabia has doubled the number of lashes and added a jail sentence as punishment for a woman who was gang-raped.
& these guys are our allies? I can't believe we let those fkers into Buckingham Palace a few weeks ago on a state visit! Oh yer, I forgot, BAe have a jet fighter contract with em.
It's because under Islamic law a rape victim must provide four witnesses to verify her story that the sex was not consensual.
Thing is women aren't allowed to drive cars there either....
We had a funny discussion in my Arabic class the other day when a student asked my teacher what the word for "girlfriend" was in Arabic. Our teacher had trouble explaining that the concept of dating doesn't exist in Arabic countries because unwed men and women can be beaten if they are found in each others company.
Then there's also the jizya, a tax that non-Muslims have to pay...and the belief that women and non-Muslims only count as half a person.
Too bad this is their religion and culture, sometimes being ethnocentric and intolerant of some religions sounds like a pretty good idea.
Too bad this is their religion and culture, sometimes being ethnocentric and intolerant of some religions sounds like a pretty good idea.
Yeah but there is a thin line between being intolerant of a few aspects of a particular religion and then just being a racist prick who thinks "WE SHOULD JUST NUKE EM ALL"
Yeah but there is a thin line between being intolerant of a few aspects of a particular religion and then just being a racist prick who thinks "WE SHOULD JUST NUKE EM ALL"
yeah, but there's also an even thinner line between denouncing a group's religious beliefs (no matter how backwards they are) and threatening their religious rights...