Just seen Pirates 3, it's a disgrace that they should kill off such a dashing man as Norrington. But then I think I would have been absolutely perfect for the role of a mischevious Brit Naval officer! As I was watching the film I imagined what I would do had I been in such a position back then. I would have hung the pirates without hesitation & then done Mis Swan in da azz. Just as I was daydreaming about doing this, lo & behold! The badguy Brit in the movie says exactly that! Well, almost... Hell, even one of my ancestors was killed fighting pirates whilst serving in the Royal Navy- this was meant to be!
I think I'd look good in one of those hats too!
I feel the movie was a bit topsy turvey, certainly something to view when smashed or under the influence of other things, not that I would! It's nice to see they were attacking the armed merchantmen rather than the regular RN too, perhaps Hollywood is taking political notes? I find it quite appropriate, as far as Hollywood history goes, that HMS Endeavour should be sunk by the Black Peal & Flying Dutchman, somewhere between Singapore & the Caribbean. I always thought Captain Cook was killed in Hawaii?
(HMS Endeavour discovered Australia & NZ)*
I hope they make another & I get a part...