So the other day I restarted my computer and to my suprise the computer seemed to be running. Fans going and what not, but no picture would show up.. my monitor LED light was flashing green.. so I thought maybe it was fucked up or some shit so I tried another monitor and the same damn thing happened. So then I tried putting in my old graphics card to see if that worked, and same shit. All the computer lights are going.
I did notice though, the Bios doesnt beep when I start the computer up, Its like the fans just go and nothing else. Maybe motherboard went?
Everything seems to be plugged in, I havent touched any wires or anything like that, Just happened out of the blue.
I have a huge paper due in 3 days and If my computer doesnt work im pretty much fucked..
Anyone have any idea on whats causing this problem? I know alot of you know your shit, any help would be amazing.
go to a library or computer lab and write your paper. Sell your computer to Steve Jobs so he can use it as toilet paper.
I have all about 60% of it saved on there with all my sources and information, it would lick nuts if I had to start over anything would be better than that.
Open it up. Make sure nothing somehow came loose. I had a somewhat similar problem after pulling out some ram to do a test. I put it back in and problem solved.
it does sound like a motherboard problem if not something that came loose. my recommendation is to remove the current harddrive and put it in someone elses computer. makes sure you set it up as the slave and not the master and make sure it's not set to boot -VERY IMPORTANT!! then use their computer to retrieve the file that you need and put it on a thumb drive. From there try and back everything you need up. Dont throw it out yet though. bring it to someone who can make a hands on diagnosis. a local tech guy should be able to help you back stuff up