your top level's from any game? -
03-05-2008, 10:42 AM
just had me thinking, can be multiplayer maps, single player levels, zones etc etc, keep this place going.
der flakturm (moha) - thought it was an epic level even though the whole game was not amazing
facilty (goldeneye) single player and the multi were amazing, especially multi where people would spawn in vents and get stuck as people were waiting for them to come down.
All the normandy and france missions in MOHAA....I used to redo them over an over again...
Same. Sniper Village owns your face. I remember getting the tank engineer squad all alive through those level on expert just to get that last medal and to unlock the bazooka medic.
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
03-05-2008, 07:11 PM
I'll have to get back on my favorite levels ever (need to think about that one)
but the level i hated and despised most of was Level 48 (out of 50) in Top Gun:Fire At Will for the PSX (i gave up because it was that hard, and it still pisses me off since I'm not as good as I once was at it and I'll never know the ending of that game). It was also one of the first videogames I ever got, so thats why I owned it (but it wasn't a bad game).
I also hated the Toy Plane level in GTA San Andreas where you have 5 minutes worth of gas to fly 10 minutes across the entire map.
facility was awesome for multiplayer; but fuck you to anyone who whored the bathrooms. apparently there was a cheat in singleplayer in which you could walk around the vents or something and finish the level damn quick. i forget the details but ir emember spending hours trying to do it and always failing.
staligrand for multiplayer mohaa will always hold a place in my heart. loved that map.
Well, can't speak for levels...i forgot most of
As for multiplayer, CrossRoads (MOHAA) was my favorite. If i got to that 2nd story hotel, forget it. I sniped thousands from that hotel and was able to cover the rear door if someone tried to flank me.
Wasn't there a way in faculty about like spinning 3 times or so on the toiler or something and you can get back in the vent (even though it serves no real purpose in the end)
something that is pissing me off recently is is almost impossible on pro to beat any team in mlb 2k8...hell it is almost impossible to lose by less than 10 runs
you fuck up one pitch and its a guarenteed run-scorer.