i was playing last nite on pub server. one of the EA servers. the map was Wake island? or Midway? Anyway i was using scout class and spotting for artillery. im watching the shell pounding the allied spawn was taking and saw some of the funniest explosive deaths. guys running for the outskirts of the island, bunched together, hit by a shell, blown 30 ft into the air over the edge of the cliff into the water. i was laughing so hard. evil: ive seen and been part of some of the craziest deaths by shellings and tank blasts. its pretty damn funny....i was laughing to hard to get a screen shot.... oOo:
a direct hit from a tank shell will send that poor guy 30ft into the air also.... biggrin:
btw... FOR THOSE WHO PLAY BF1942 HERE LIKE RUDEDOG, JUDAS, STRIK0R, ETC..... i am planning to set up a game where we could all play together this weekend or friday nite..... please let me know what time are u free on the weekend..... i have found a closed server which little ppl go to, and if it's full on weekend... we can always invade one of the empty pub server with our massive army... biggrin:
Strik0r, im upset at you. this is a game where spawn camping is a good thing and tking is rampant...whats not to like? on top of the all the explosives available.....
einfield #4 or something, didn't you know they were issued to all american troops? how would iwo jima have been won without the einfield? oh wait...that's a damn lie...fabricated by bf1942...we borrowed a british battleship too biggrin:
is bf1942 a good game? does it take LONG to learn? i haven't really given it much of a shot yet. if i do, i might become a bit obsessed with it for awhile... oOo:
Location: 69 Offtopic Lane, Forum Road, Internet City.co.uk
10-01-2002, 09:47 PM
whats the kind of system you need for it. i got the sp demo on my p4 1.5, 256ram, gf2 ti500 and it don't run too nice at all, slows down somewhat.
what u guys runnin it on? i think its a graphics card hog eatthis:
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
it's too easy to learn, what's easier than walking up to a tank pressing e and running around pointing and clicking? not very hard to figure out everything's pretty obvious
Well i was playin wake island on BF1942 and wat happen was i was at the air base and here comes one of my allies in one of those cars and wat he does is drive like crazy. He drove the car up that cliff and went airborn until out of no where a japanease plane hit his car and took off with him until the car exploded. The plane went down which hita group of japanease about 10 of them and blew them all around. I was allies and i cant beleived i saw that i was laughing so hard biggrin: cool:
[quote="=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c":4880a]Well i was playin wake island on BF1942 and wat happen was i was at the air base and here comes one of my allies in one of those cars and wat he does is drive like crazy. He drove the car up that cliff and went airborn until out of no where a japanease plane hit his car and took off with him until the car exploded. The plane went down which hita group of japanease about 10 of them and blew them all around. I was allies and i cant beleived i saw that i was laughing so hard biggrin: cool:[/quote:4880a]