How many of you guys use the keyboard / mouse so damn much that your hand / wrist / arms hurt from it ? I just got over my left arm hurting from what i think is prolonged moh keyboard use (the muscle at the elbow), and now it is my mouse hand / bottom wrist area. Anyone ?
my left wrist used to bother me a lot until i got a nice lil gel pad thingie...germ tried to tear it open and rape it tho but i threw an asian prince t-shirt out the window
Yeah, I get that a lot, Judas. Actually happened more when I was working for Clear Channel because of the amount of time I spend using Photoshop. Since then I've cut way back on my design time and take regular breaks from the keyboard to stretch the muscles.
Be careful, if it gets bad enough it could mean surgeory. Judging from what my mother went through with her surgeory, you may not get a full recovery in the end. Just do those cheesy excersizes you see posted at the office every hour or so for about five minutes and it might start to clear up.
Clear Channel Communications - could be the TV station you watch, but I was working for a set of radio stations in Springfield, MA. Because of their greed and need for expansion I found my pink slip in the form of a manager's meeting. Bastards! LOL
Yeah, I get that. My left hand will give me pains the day after playing for awhile. I don't think it helps that I play the guitar and that is my fret hand. And also, I am a compulsive reader, which I use my left hand, so it all adds up on the poor thing.
I'll take the advice given here and start to stretch it out. I don't want any problems when I'm thirty.
[quote="Sgt.Pepper":dd941]Yeah, I get that. My left hand will give me pains the day after playing for awhile. I don't think it helps that I play the guitar and that is my fret hand. And also, I am a compulsive reader, which I use my left hand, so it all adds up on the poor thing.
I'll take the advice given here and start to stretch it out. I don't want any problems when I'm thirty.[/quote:dd941]
Oh yeah... Bar cords are famous for their carpal effect. Give me a long song made up of all bar and we're talking massive carpal effect...
I've got my keyboard and mouse set up to minimize bending my wrists . It seems to help . I had some numbness in my hands until I went with this set up . It's worth a shot anyway .
Did they really? I haven't listened to that station in a while. That sucks, he actually had a pretty good show for what little of it I heard. And if I remember correctly it had good ratings in the Hartford area. Hmmmm... Well, of coarse, they are bass fishes. LOL
Shoulder , Arrgghhh ! My shoulder is killing me , what a bunch of whoosie's ...... Just do what I do , play the game until you can't move your hand and then keep on playing until you can't move your arm either , then go to bed and hope for the best in the morning . biggrin: Sometimes going to bed helps out with the lack-0-nooky thingy too .. angel:
Seriously though , my shoulder is killing me. biggrin: