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 Geforce 4 Ti4600 Upgrade |
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Geforce 4 Ti4600 Upgrade -
10-03-2002, 06:29 PM
Okay firstly i HAD a geforce 4 mx440 and decided to get a bigger one, this card performed very nicely and seriously kicked butt compaired to my older geforce 2... now with this performed how i expected it to, basically great with a little slow down when lots happened at once (well it was only a 64mb ddr card). Now on this card i could set everything to max, it would always turn the volumetric smoke off anyhow, but i could run it happily with the FPS dropping when i run through clouds of granade smoke...
Now when I upgraded to a card with TWICE the memory, TWICE the speed and TWICE the people saying how great it is i was a little frustrated that in MOH it still performs edzactly as my old MX440 did... its fps gets higher but still slows on the major screens and esp on the bridge level... if i look at my fps they do go as high as 220+ and yes i'm sure thats great but i expected it to have the power not to slow down so much... anyone have any idea what might be going on???
Basically it does'nt matter what i do, if i set ALL the settings to low, medium, auto configure, even max... it performs edzactly the same... obviously i like it looking realistic and smooth, and as turning these settings down makes no difference i leave them on high or med depending on my mood.
Does anyone out there have a TI4600 and have it working perfectly, i can only play up to 1024x768 resolution as i have a small monitor (no room for my 19" on desk) is MOH just not accesing the card properly or is there some stupid feature i am missing in the cards settings?
I have the latest detonator drivers...40.71 (and in 3dmark2001 it increased my performance by 800pts so i'm keeping them if i can) and windows recognises my new card, even MOH does in it's .cfg file... but it does'nt make any major difference to my games performance.
Anyone have any suggestions, EA SUPPORT told me to lower my sound settings, that did'nt make any difference and yes my p4 chip is big enough to handle the game (1500Mhx) I even have 512Mbs of RIMMS to keep it nice and smooth, windows XP runs perfectly and all my drivers are the newest i can get... i am thinking there must be some setting in MOH i can activate, like in RTCW or quake 3 (com_hunkmegs 256) to use more memory, more graphics or maybe just render the game in realtime (the wolfman demo works perfectly, and i would'nt argue if MOH works with that kinda graphics  )
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10-04-2002, 01:55 PM
I actually have the exact same problem as you, my FPS was kind of low, and now its been dipping even lower, it was around 20-40 recently.
My specs are
256MB SD Ram
GF4 Ti-4600 vid card
Also, changing my setting does nothing at all, wtf is wrong?
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10-04-2002, 05:25 PM
dunno i asked ea support but they told me to phone and complain to someone rather than waste there time with e-mails... surely you can tweak the memory in the game, i mean i had to to run my audigy soundcard in dolby surround sound... now my game plays georgous sounds!!!
Someone out there must have fixed this, i hear of people with this card all the time saying it's great but they always have resolution up at 1600x1024 or something I know MOH uses a measly 64mb ram for the game, and if i type MEMINFO in console i get a list of bits that hardly add up to my 512mb ram in pooter... if i'm counting right it goes up to about 128 (thats 64 for game, 64 for graphics i guess) whatever happened to good old fasioned menu's we did'nt understand and could herrass nerds to find out what they did?
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10-04-2002, 06:47 PM
The biggest bottle neck is not your video card but your CPU and RAM.
I had a Ti4600 with a P4 2.53 and 1 gig of Rambus 1066 ram. And I still seen some slowdowns. not that much but more then you would expect. This game uses an engine that just does not cut outdoors high polygon maps.
I have since upgraded to the so called Nvidia killer ( lol ya right) a ATI 9700 pro. I only gained 10 -15 fps. This card was to kill the GF card in every test. But that's another long story.
Make sure your system is running at optimal performance. Everyone gets some system lag now and then. You just don't get it as bad as other people with older and slower cards.
You can try:
defragging your hard drive
get yourself a copy of adaware and remove all unwanted spyware on your system
make sure you dont have 30 icons in your systray running 30 programs in the background.
use a refresh rate program. even thought you think your game is running at 1024x786 @120Hz it;s only running at 60 when playing a game. A refresh program will make your game run at your desktop rate.
when you installed your latest OS did you do a upgrade or a fresh install. a fresh install is always better.
the link to beta drivers and the refresh fix is here:
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10-08-2002, 06:33 AM
I have a GF4 Ti4600, 256 RAM, Athlon 1700+ and have had many problems, not just with MOHAA, but 3D games in general.
I can now play MOHAA with FULL GFX (everything on) with no lock-ups, crashes, etc etc. I can also play RTCW, Q3, etc with all the setting maxed out with no probs.
I finally bit the bullet and purchased a bigger PSU. My 300W one just wasn't cutting the mustard. I have a pretty cooled system, but with 2 CDs, 2 HDDS, one intake fan, three exhausts and all the fans on the HSF, mobo and GFX card, when push came to shove the card locked out. I now have a nice shiny 550W (from eBuyers - only £30 ish) and no a single problem. I am running the 30.82 dets and the latest VIA 4in1s (my mobo is VIA-based).
I have spend months changing drivers, etc and tried everything. I would say to everyone with these sorts of problems ... MORE POWER!!!!
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10-08-2002, 06:47 AM
well i will certainly try that when i have a few pennies spare... but i do need to ask something kinda stupid;
Physically is the 500w PSU the same size as my current 300w power supply? i mean some cases are small, some large and some just average i guess... i have a nice sized case and if the psu is the same sort of dimentions it'll fit, i don't wanna buy a new gizmo to go into my case if it won't fit!!!
I have seen pics online for them and i'm sure they are the same size, but before i rush out and get one i'd love to know what else is special about them... i have a p4 and yes i need 3 power plugs to run my mobo... i have 2 cd roms and 5 fans in total all drawing power (and yes obviously a hard drive before someone has to ask)... now my p4 does'nt need 5 fans but i put them in to see if that was the problem at first (overheating causing slowdown). As my mobo takes 3 power plugs i did'nt think the amount of power it used could be a problem, i mean it has plenty of excess if it needs it... but i will try hopefully soon (with any luck we'll have lotsa lightning to pop it then i can have a good excuse to spend the cash)
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10-08-2002, 06:57 AM
Yes, in most cases ( no pun intended) If the power supply conforms to the ATX standard then it will fit.
also you get what you pay for. If you find a 500W PS for $30. It is either not a real 500W PS or it will not last.
Be prepared to spend around 80-100 on a 450W PS
Also Antec makes some of the best power supplies around.
Also a side note. If you can afford a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) get one. Don't be fooled into thinking a surge protector will be the best protection for that new power supply and PC. A surge protector will not stop a Voltage sag. This will be passed on to your PS and cause it to fail. A UPS will provide a constant power along with surge protection.
OK, enough of my work bleeding into my personal life.
Check out for all your UPS and Surge protector needs.
( sorry but our stock is in the tank and we need to move some of this stuff biggrin: )
 heh, its not your vid card.. |
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heh, its not your vid card.. -
10-13-2002, 01:03 PM
like some said, its not the vid card. The ti 4600 is way ahead of its time, no games, in the near future, will require 128 megs of DDR ram. THe biggest issue is that your computer lags on the RAM. Ram, as you all know is crucial. Every Microsoft operating system, aside from XP, is a bitch with ram. As you know, RAM (random acess mem) is used up when u access a program etc...but once you close out that porgram you will NOT get that RAM back. The great thing about win XP is that, once you close out a program, you get the RAM back. So, if you have 256megs (which is rather low) and you were previsouly running aplications, you really dont have 256 megs, you prob have somewhere between 190 and 200 megs, depending on the type of apps you were running. ANother thing, i would personally never buy a GeForce 4 ti 4600 with such low ram. You have to figure some things whey you get a new card. Do i have the ghzage to power such a powerfull card? Do i have the RAM? Can my power supply meet the challenge? THese are obvious but one many dont consider is there AGP slot. GeForce model cards (unless PCI) use an AGP slot on the motherboard. This reduces the bottle neck, now the GF 4 will accept a 2.0 AGP or higher. I wouldnt reccomed using it on an AGP 2.0..3.0 or 4.0 is the best way to get the most out of your card. Aside from all this bs, you have to ruedog said the MOHAA Engine isnt the unreal 03 engine, it was never deisnged to render massive outdoor enviroments. Aside from this, if your running at a extreamly high rez, you have everything turned up to the max, and your play multiplayer with 30 ppl, or playing Omaha have to expct slow down. MOst of the bench marks are taken at a rez of 800x600 (i think). By running everything at insane rez. and all the gfx up, your stressing the card...thats why you have chugging...and dont go out an buy a stupid as ATI, next month Nvidia releases the Nv30..which is the next generation in GFX architexture...its gonna blow ATI out of the water, plus ATI is compatable with nothing..sitck with Nvidia...
- hope i helped
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10-14-2002, 04:41 AM
I'm sure you noticed i said i had 512Mb's of Rambus RAM first of all... and it's not that i'm unsatisfied with the graphics this card produces... WOW is my first thought when i see what it can do, and it was for my mx440 as well... the graphics a geforce 4 can produce make a geforce 2 look laughably old... a friend sent me a screen shot and it was kinda, well basic looking... and thats without it moving!!!
What has been bothering me was the simple fact that this card, over 300mhz faster, 64mb ddr ram bigger and beefy enough to cope with how many TRILLIONS of polygons works just the same as my old card at this game... call me a complete idiot but i just expected a little, well you know... MORE from EA games... is that so much to ask???
I mean if i look at quake 3 we are just getting the tech now to unlock all the graphics and show it off how it was designed... surely MOH was'nt intended for such a short shelf life.
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.... -
10-15-2002, 12:21 PM
About the card...i dont know why anyone would but a GeForce MX Series, ive heard the GF4 MX is about as good as GeFroce 2. With that aside, it could be your AGP slot...i dont really know. Could be your os? I have no idea, i run the game on a p3 1 gig, 512mb SDRAM, 80 gig HD, gf3 ti 500..and i never get slow down, and i run the game at like 115x1024 and everything on high or max. I dont think the problem is EA games, or 2015's code...your your system, pure and simple...i dont know enuff about your computer to say that its this or that, but its most deff your system. I mean, yes EA is questionable in many of there choices...but lets not get on there case, i think your jumping the gun. So, id say check your AGP slot..drivers etc. aside from that i dunno, but its not the game
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10-16-2002, 12:58 PM
[quote="psycho fluff":4323e]... surely MOH was'nt intended for such a short shelf life.[/quote:4323e]
You'd think so, but if that were the case, why did BF1942 follow so closely on its heels??
Keep in mind that if you were to turn the graphics down so that they appeared the same as the graphics from soemones gf2 card, they'd be killin them frametrate wise!
I agree with you that there is a lack of console commands on this issue though...
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10-22-2002, 02:01 PM
Okay its ordered and en route... i have my new PSU ordered and ready to install when it arrives, i'll let you all know how i get on tomorrow...
I'm getting excited now as i'm sure it must be the problem, kinda convinced myself you guys are right after trying everything else what harm can a 550w psu do??? 
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10-23-2002, 07:53 AM
Well thats that, installed and tested... Hmmmm, it certainly gave me a few more framerates cool:
Well it obviously made a difference and now my game has a steady 180fps on V2 (small invironments) and about 70-90fps on bridge and as for hunt i haven't tried yet... i notice the slowdown i get now is'nt nearly as bad and i have to say i'm impressed... but it does still slowdown a little... so I have to assume my 1500Mhz P4 it being kinda drained with all that goes on with 20 players all nading and shooting at the start of a level swordfight: Ahhhhh the eternal battle between GAMES DEVELOPERS and GAMERS trying to just play without upgrading for once... ONE DAY someone will release a 3d version of Pacman which no doubt will need a 3gig chip or something stupid mwah:
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10-28-2002, 06:12 AM
Im having problems also , but i crash and freeze up.Im playing along in a mission , everything looks great sounds great , then all of the sudden ill freeze up .Sometimes it ll just close the game , and my desktop has been reset to 640x480 , ill try to shutdown but my start menu is gone,If i change my desktop back to 1024x748 my computer stops responding and i have to reset the computer . And the V card has to update when i reboot.
Im running a 465wat PS , Win 982nd on P4 2.53 , 512 Rambus , Leadtechs Ti4600,Sound Blaster Audigy Card with Logitech Z560 surround sound .I went to invidia and updated the latest driver .My monitor is a Samsung Syncmaster 955DF Flat CRT .Currently My Display settings are High color 16 bit at 1024 by 768 pixels , Refresh rate is 60Hz. What should my antialiasing be set at , also the Open GL settings , What should my Direct3D be set at . Do i have to many questions hehe .Can some1 please help .
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10-28-2002, 06:33 AM
Well this is how mine is set... all is in the TI4600 setting for my graphics card drivers (version 40.72 as i have probs with 41.03 with everything EXCEPT unreal 2003 mad: )
Antianalising is at 2x... any more and my crosshair vanishes oOo:
I have my direct X set to 128mb used in pci mode (this smooths out gameplay)
I have open GL set to 16mb (max for XP, 98 should go up to 32mb) again this smooths out gameplay for open gl games (like MOH)
I have V-Sinc off or i never get above 60fps... with a flat screen you might need this on
the rest I think i leave as default in my cards settings as I only have a 1500 p4
Remember to update your chipset drivers, as you have a p4 this is really easy, go to and download them, run them and voila cool:
Erm, I'm sure you must know about updating windows by now, if not do that and check for updates... other than that I guess i need more details about what your probs are...
In MOH my settings are pretty simple i have 1024-768 res, nearly everything at max... explosion detail slows my pooter so thats set to high instead of the highest i think... and volumetric smoke is also off as you need a 2 gig p4 to run the stupid thing after the inevitable nade party from every map (except v2)
hope this helps... if you pooter still crashes REMEMBER to UNINSTALL your drivers before updating to new ones!!! NEVER just put them on top with Nvidia, most drivers are fine but graphics are kinda qwerky i think
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