i can't see the weapon skins -
10-05-2002, 11:03 AM
Hi, i've downloaded some weapon skins, put them in the main folder of mohaa but i can't see them....what is the problem?
Also i've seen a weapon skin for a garand that says the author that it gives 3 times more damage....is that true? if so, that wouldn't be unfair or called a cheat? (Excuse me if my questions are stupid but i'm really amazed about that)
I'm not sure why your mod isn't working... do you have any other pk3 weapon skin mods that might be conflicting with it?? as for the damage on the rifle... this only applies if a server has the same mod. If the server does not, you will see the rifle in the game but it will continue to do normal damage.
If the author of the weapon skins has only edited the TGA file (which is common because most people don't have DDS editing tools) then you will not be able to see it with Texture Compression on. DDS is for Texture Compression (it is higher resolution and looks better) and TGA is not for Texture Compression.
AS for the mods, i've tried some diferrent mods, from "gloves" to weapon skins, and never worked, i don tknow why. All the maps i've downloaded works fine, soldiers skins too, but weapons, gloves etc dont.
Try changing the setting for Texture Compression. It will work, depending on whether it is a TGA or DDS (TC On = DDS Files Work; TC Off = TGA Files Work). It doesn't matter with maps and player skins.
I know that PSP does.. all you have to do is open the .tga file... then go Save As... then select .raw as the type... then name it the same as the .tga .... but the ext needs to be .dds
There is a plug-in that you can get for Adobe Photoshop and for Paint Shop Pro. Get it at [url:66e90]http://developer.nvidia.com/view.as...pression_plugin[/url:66e90].
[quote="Mr. Jingles":67a89]Try changing the setting for Texture Compression. It will work, depending on whether it is a TGA or DDS (TC On = DDS Files Work; TC Off = TGA Files Work). It doesn't matter with maps and player skins.[/quote:67a89]
YES! it works! Thanks a lot, now i can see all weapon skins and my gloves! it looks nice!
Just one more question, i've turned Texture compression to OFF, and it says that have it ON will improve the texture quality...will i notice too much the changes in the graphics?
It won't look too much better with Texture Compression on. If you like realistic, matching skins, then MPowell1944's weapon skin is a good one for you. It's what I use. And you can use Texture Compression with his skins.
Thanks Jingles.
I really don't look if they are realistic, just if they are nice to me, if i like them. I took a look and searched for MPOWELL's skins but i only found a Colt45 skin...in weapons, all the other skins were scopes, player skins, etc.
Did i made a bad search? There's more weapon skins made by him?
Well, I wouldn't really call them realistic. It's just the standard skins, only darkened up and sharpened to make them look better. I don't really like camo weapons, but that is just me. To find them go to the weapon skins area on this site. Then sort the files by downloads. His file will be close to the top.
Thanks, i'll check them out. Me too, i dont like the cammo skins, i like dark ones and polished also. Maybe the same tastes as u.
I got a shottie that is black and silver...very nice, even though i dont use it...but i like it