Help !!!!! I literally get stuck on the game.... -
10-07-2002, 01:29 AM
Hi all,
I recently reinstalled MOHAA, and I have a serious "freak out " situation... my DSL works great with my three home comps hooked up to the linksys dsl/cable router.... my kids computer never "stalls" computer just gone "kaputs".... Here is my problem, I can play for about ten minutes...any map... all of sudden I get a small green square icon at the bottom (looks like a picture of disconnection of a cable) and my game stalls... I cannot shoot, move, just view just comes in and it has really lagged out...but I check and I have good ping 50 or less...I have changed network cards...change slots...reinstalled drivers..etc...
Any suggestions? will appreciate it...
Make use you have the v1.11 patch installed. If it's trying to connect to the outside world. It could be the old dialer problem.
Check out:
(Top of Page)
If this is a new install of the game. Try reinstalling the game. Use Bazooka_Joe's Guide to uninstall the game
Then reinstall it, along with the V1.11 patch.
Well, you are getting the warping error. This is generally just when there is lag on the server. Now I didn't read correctly, but are you hosting a server, or just trying to join one?
I have been playin in various servers....good pings and all and yet i get the wrap effects... strange... I was looking for the right word...any suggestions?
I have been getting the same problem for the last 2 weeks on the v4v servers. It is frustrating at times. The tracert shows one hop that times out I am assuming that is the problem. Glad to see someone else gets the same problem lol I though i was the only one
If you use Gamespy or ASE, just sort the games by their ping (ms) and join the lowest one. Remember, the lower the ping, the better! (I can only imagine someone trying to join a 999 ping game, heh)