ha that's old news. it was soemguy that got so depressed ecause his freind stole soemthing from him. i feel sorry for that guy he actually thinks that the guy he's playing with is acctually his friend , they probably just met for 1 online match or soemthing
today on the bus i saw a fat guy reading a video game strategy guide, with a grocery bag full of chips..... then he pulled out a bottle of root beer to chug down.... this guy was fat....
then i thought..... geez, now there's the stereotypical gamer.
it made me feel odd, because i thought, if i do nothing but play video games all day, ill end up like that..... fat... and fat.
Never played Everquest, but thats kinda gay. Why the hell would anyone do that, now if it was Kingdom Hearts (yeah yeah Disney whatever) or FFX, then I could understand.