Location: Canada! Home of fast beer and bubbly women... Wait, i think i mixed that up
08-07-2001, 10:27 AM
Don't worry, this isn't a fighting thread, i was talking to Macchi:
05:26:51 [Macchi] WELL HELLO THERE
And he and i want to get the 101st and the 3rd ID together once a week to play a squad game against each other until the game comes out.
We are figuring RS, and every friday around 9:00 'o clock.
This is going to be fun. If anyone has any problems, post em here
(btw that is 9:00 pm EST friday)
It is something to do while we are waiting for this game to come out, the 3rd and the 101st, kind of dislike each other so we can take out our fustration in the game, I encourage the members to come out and fight!!!!! no matter who comes to play, I will be THERE<FIGHTING FOR THE 3RD>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you have delta force land warrior, my squad has a a really kick arse d-day map that we play on. e-mail me if you guys want to duke it out on that game..(if ya have it that is)
i would just like to comment on that fact that you said friday at 9, now, do any of you have friends???? like really now not only is it at nite, but you want to do it on a friday, maybe you guys shouldnt spend so uch time on your computers.