OK I am Sniped Ur Azz and I am gonna attempt putting together a group of scripters/ modders/ and testers to form a group of Anti-Cheaters. I am so tired of cheaters and I really do think that they are the lowest forms of Life on earth (virtually I mean) cool: So if you know how to script and/or you would like to offer your help, please e-mail me or PM me. Ok Ty.
Hi, I am CcSoccer881,and I must say, I admire your initiative.... however, the anti-cheaters will never win. I run a group of cheaters... and with every coming day, we make progress on our cheats. We will always find a way to combat them, and we will always prosper over you...., but good luck trying . May the fight begin...
I don't think this idea will work..........how are you going to know who is cheating or not? by accusing them? or just by asking them....a cheater will not admit whether he or she is cheating.
But......if it works out ok i wish you the best of luck and i may be interested.
In reply to BD: I am currently working on some projects in which will help stop or at least trouble the cheaters. I did not make this Post so that I can be accused but my main goal is to at least work on a few things that will truoble cheaters!
In reply to CcSoccer881: I know who you are and I know all about you as well. I have kept my eyes open. I am well aware of you and what your friends do. So what I must say is ( check out ur Silver Section and I think you might not like the fact that I have the mod that US Testers are suposed to be evaluating as we speak! Although I am gonna do my best to make your cheating days come to a rude abrupt halt! I have nothing against you personally (I am sure you are a nice person) but it is just the path you have chosen to take and I am in the dead center of that path so I return the favor to you and say "Good Luck".
pfft, this is gonna go the way of cs, lots of anti-cheats, even better cheats. you can't beat the h4x0rs, they are equal if not better programmers to anti-cheaters. you might as well just kick em when you see em rather than try and stom them doing it.
Hi, I am CcSoccer881,and I must say, I admire your initiative.... however, the anti-cheaters will never win. I run a group of cheaters... and with every coming day, we make progress on our cheats. We will always find a way to combat them, and we will always prosper over you...., but good luck trying . May the fight begin...
fire2: M16:
*cough *cough* has no skill and has to cheat *cough*
The "377t H@X0r5" will always be one step ahead of the anti-cheat crew because, the cheaters make the ideas up themselves whereas the anti-cheat crew must know what the cheat is before they can even start to do anything about it.
Cheaters are lame, anyone can get a cheat and do what the next person can with it!
Hi guys... my name is... er... earl! Ya earl, and I'm a fag, i like to 1337 h4x0r and and... I love my mommy....
Come on... shut up already...
a. Wrong forum considering the context.
b. No one I could possibly tihnk about would dedicate time to 'stop' cheaters... Get over it, yes they exist who cares live life as is.
OK lemme guess CcSoccer881 you think ur good huh?? I mean you are a really awesome moderator. Yah lemme tell you all about it.. no actually I think I am just gonna go about my business and do whatever I want to. I really did not want to come on here and post this but I mean I do what I gotta do. Now that I got my things all worked out I can begin doing what should have been done a long time ago. So I say to you CcSoccer881, it is because of people like you that take the fun out of games now adays. You can have a group of friends playing and haveing fun and all of a sudden in comes a person with all the hacks as you have and then the game is ruined. All I wanna ask is why?? To show of what you can do? To make the game horriable for others?? Really I would like an answer to this question. Until we meet again old buddy.
U can never stop us we will always win we will make hacks for hacks that u blaoke u cant win we cheat becuase its fun and mohaas a game so gues what u cant stop us. hake: