Originally Posted by vVolf
EA killed the whole War games scene when they released Spear Head.
EA killed mohaa when they got rid of 2015 (the developers). They paid 2015 to create an awesome game, gave them the boot, and took their ideas, made money, and turned it into crap.
its been said a million times over on these forums but ill say it again. ive had it since day one, tried to get used to it but cant seem to. the animations of the characters is just unbelievable, skipping all over the place when being shot, how fekking ghey can u get? and thanks for the objective maps EA, way to go. cause people dont play them on tournaments or anything. TOW is cool if u like to respawn all of the time, no thnx for me. (i know, play round-based-whats the point there is no objective)
as for the maps. two of them are retreads from allied assault sp. gee, didnt i get those when i purchased allied assault? and some of the others were taken from contest winners (btw, props to those guys) so we as a hardcore community have played them before. makes me wonder.
i should have pirated spearhead had i known it was going to be this bad, but ya know what? the box looks good sitting in my computer desk drawer.
almost a year since its release and i still play allied assault as much as i can. just under a month since the release of spearhead and its off of my computer and in a box.
thanks EA from a loyal customer.